          Activists Believe Thailand Continues Involvement With Salween Dam Projects Salween Watch A 襯衫ctivists Believe Thailand Co 租屋網ntinues Involvement With Salween Dam Projects 澎湖民宿  22 June 2007     S.H.A.NA report t 小額信貸hat Thailand is not looking to Burma for energy needs is receiving skeptica 辦公室出租l reactions from Salween Watch activists, who assert that companies from Thailand have already si 裝潢gned agreements with Burma for the joint if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); window.yzq_d['GmD 酒店打工jBsorwuw-']='&U=129jic1u2%2fN%3dGmDjBsorwuw-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dZ%2fB%3d-1%2fV%3d0'; 室內裝潢 系統傢俱 Activists Believe Thailand Continues Involvement With Salween Dam Projects - 自由撣邦 Freedom for Shan State - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 部落 租屋格  .

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